THIS WEEK, WE bring you an Emo Kid episode in glorious Technicolour! Wow, it feels like the glorious age of 1920s cinema all over again! Not that I was part of the glorious age of 1920s cinema, of course. Thanks go to my lovely wife Naz for colouring this one in... I'm contemplating making every comic colourful from here on in. All in favour say 'Aye', or just drop me an e-mail, because the chances are I don't know where you live, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to hear you saying 'Aye' unless you called me on the phone. And if I don't know you, I'm not sure I'd want you calling me anyway; you might be scary. How do you spell 'Aye' anyway? Answers on a postcard. Or in a comic, if you like, with one answer in each panel - 'Aye'. 'I'. 'Eye'. 'Aaiiiiii'. I'll stop now.
oh, I love this one.
of course I love all the other ones aswell but this one in particular. I could do a list of my faves here but I won't. haha.
pure excellency.
pretty cool stuff.
i'll add your blog to my links list if you'll add mine.
leave a comment on my site if you want
Sorry, I've only just seen your message.
Yes that was my dad and I ;) Shame I didn't see you too. Oh well, next time.
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