Light Lunch in the Abyss

In Light Lunch in the Abyss (also called 'Deep and Meaningful'), two deep sea Angler Fish are reminded that they need to be alert if they are going to fend for themselves in this life. This comic causes one to ask oneself a question: 'Who will I root for? The little tiny cute guys who wouldn't be out of place in a Pixar movie, or the big, predatory ugly guys with sharp needles for teeth, but a big heart and nothing more than an instinctual need for lunch? Lastly, where would I place myself in this story?'
It's serious. Think about it. That's what the Non-Humans do. Make you guys think about stuff.
I think Bob is a bit vain.....
The big fella is vain about his equipment. bob, understandably, is just hungry. perhaps he needs to cruise alone. Ma' fish is doing just fine.
Bob is just a typical male!! Vain... my xxx is bigger than yours... and food!!!! Haha!!! Rita
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