Thursday, March 29, 2007
THIS WEEK I'VE been working hard to the point of exhaustion, and now we're at the end of it I have holiday on the brain. I'll do my best to get a comic up next weekend but I'm away during the week, so can't promise anything. I am planning an extended story involving Hercule Le One Man Band in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Dark Show Host
LEWIS NEWS GETS a spooky surprise on his live daytime talk show 'Most Afflicted Live'. Nothing is as it seems, apparently. People will do anything for money these days. There are probably a few things which are a bit 'wrong' about this comic. But we wouldn't be Lame Champion if everything on here was completely PC, would we?
Cat People
PRETTY SELF-EXPLANATORY, REALLY. The Lurcher and the Three Legged Cat getting at each other's throats again. Naz and I love our dog really, it's only a joke. Neither of us are 'cat people' (except for Elizabeth's cats Gin and Tonic!). But all the rest is true, particularly the part about the Lurcher crapping in our garden every five minutes.
Ode To 'Okami'
MY FIRST GAMING comic, this one is an ode to one of my current gaming obsessions, 'Okami'. You play Amaterasu, a Japanese wolf godess intent on destroying some demons and restoring peace to the surrounding villages. One of the primary 'weapons' in the game is the clever 'brush' technique. Basically, you can kill your enemies, and do various other tricks, using the strokes of a Japanese calligraphy brush. So what was once a peaceful medium of beautiful art becomes, well, quite a kick-ass weapon, really. Is Japanese calligraphy a Martial Art? I don't know, but it is in 'Okami', and in this comic!