Sunday, July 29, 2007

TMNO (Teenage Mutant Ninja Oysters)

LOOK, THE NON-HUMANS are back! You might find this one NON-FUNNY. Oh well. I haven't had much time.



Saturday, July 21, 2007

Transform, and Roll Out!

TRANSFORMERS IS HERE next Friday, and I'm as excited as a Chevrolet Camaro in transformation phase. This one is pretty self-explanatory - as I sat thinking about Transformers and its associated popcorn-movie awesomeness, the thought suddenly occurred to me, the whole idea of Transformers was just ripe for some Lame Champion-style comedy. This might be a one-off comic, or who knows, if I can't shake off the Transformers (robo)bug, you might end up with fifty. What's that you say? You don't think I could stretch it that far? Just watch me!

Just kidding.

Or am I? Find out next week.



Friday, July 13, 2007

Last Taboo

LAME CHAMPION'S BACK, and lamer than ever!

I do apologise for the wait, but thanks for your patience. My life has been all kinds of busy lately, not least because I've managed to land a regular comic strip - 'Independence Dave' - for leading bi-monthly disability magazine Able ( Feel free to contact them about getting a copy. And hey, if you like 'Dave', why not order a subscription? Alternatively, you'll more than likely be able to get a copy in your local Shopmobility.

Go on, you know you want to. I'm going up in the world, and I haven't even needed to get the elevator.

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