Thursday, January 25, 2007

Miracle Girl Saves School From Immense Meteorite!

MIRACLE GIRL'S COMING-OF-AGE continues. Whilst the rest of her primary school are content to play football, shoot down slides and jump skipping ropes, Miracle Girl is quiet. And she's busy -busy thinking about the universe and all things infinite. Which is helpful, especially if you are about to be called to become one with all things infinite, and save the school - and the entire universe - from utter catastrophe. Go Miracle Girl!

The Big Emo Diary Room

THERE'S A NEW drawing style this week. I quite like it. I'll keep to this style until I get bored of it (or just frustrated that it takes hours to do - whichever comes first). It seems to herald a new era for Lame Champion Comics. Or something like that.

There is a story behind this one. I'm not sure whether you visited Lame Champion Comics this week. But if you did, you might have noticed I was having a few maintenance problems. Pictures were not uploading. And then when they were, they weren't getting larger when people clicked on them, so I was having e-mails saying 'Hey man, I can't see the comic this week'. And then they weren't aligning right in the blog. It was a mess. Honestly, has Bugs coming out of its ears.

Anyway, all this - coupled with the mess that is Big Brother - inspired me to do this little skit with's latest 'Bug', Emo Kid. I hope you like it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

'Lame Champion' Hijacks Hollywood

THIS WEEK, EMO Kid has found himself in La LaLand. Since the tragic passing of Christopher Reeve, he has landed - with the help of the nice lady at the Job Centre - the role of Hollywood's only physically disabled movie star.

One Wheeled Over the Cuckoo's Nest All Emo Kid wanted to know was what was inside those cuckoo's eggs. Damn that Nurse Ratched!

Pirates of the Carehome Whilst arguments about the political correctness of certain disabled terms fly about like seagulls around a ship's mast, we at Lame Champion decided to throw one in for good measure. See if you can find it. Savvy!

Snakes on a Chair Emo Kid has just had it with those mother***** snakes on his mother***** chair. He has asked to be moved to First Class; apparently there's no room, but he knows it's just that the air hostesses are making out with that murder witness they're stowing up there.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Kind (guest comic)

ME AND JO from the legendary Infinite Monkeyz webcomic got together and conspired to 'swap' comics this week, and the result is a freakish, bulbous barrel of awesomeness, I think you'll agree. Infinite Monkeyz brings you 'The Kind'. Emo Kid recieves an upgrade: cool wheels, a slicker fringe and.. what does that say in red on Emo Kid's T-Shirt? Prizes for the correct answer. Do check Infinite Monkeyz for my offering of an Infinite Monkeyz comic for your delectation and delight:

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