THERE SEEMS TO be a hierarchy of complaint in this world. You've got the third world at the bottom: often, the people found in the poorest, most depraved countries will be the least likely to complain about life. Well actually, ants are at the bottom, because they keep getting stepped on in their millions and
they never complain. Anyway, the hierarchy goes up and up and up, until you get to the Emo bands who are near the top. And these bands are as rich as a Pacific tanker of Welsh Rarebit mix, yet their songs are all about how best to kill yourself, whether it's best for the blade to go vertically or horizontally over the wrist... you get the idea. And I wrestle with the question 'As a disabled person, how much right do I have to complain about my life?' And I conclude not much, really. My life is pretty flipping sweet. But I do wish I was as rich as
My Chemical Romance.