Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Transform, and Roll Out!

Just kidding.
Or am I? Find out next week.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Last Taboo

I do apologise for the wait, but thanks for your patience. My life has been all kinds of busy lately, not least because I've managed to land a regular comic strip - 'Independence Dave' - for leading bi-monthly disability magazine Able ( Feel free to contact them about getting a copy. And hey, if you like 'Dave', why not order a subscription? Alternatively, you'll more than likely be able to get a copy in your local Shopmobility.
Go on, you know you want to. I'm going up in the world, and I haven't even needed to get the elevator.
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Introducing Job, the Envelope Boy

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Disabled people? Pigeons? We aren't so different.
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Dark Show Host

Cat People

Ode To 'Okami'

Friday, February 09, 2007
Hercule Le One Man Band's First Stand

Friday, February 02, 2007
Hop, Skip, Jump...Spider

Who is the bully in this one?
Light Lunch in the Abyss

In Light Lunch in the Abyss (also called 'Deep and Meaningful'), two deep sea Angler Fish are reminded that they need to be alert if they are going to fend for themselves in this life. This comic causes one to ask oneself a question: 'Who will I root for? The little tiny cute guys who wouldn't be out of place in a Pixar movie, or the big, predatory ugly guys with sharp needles for teeth, but a big heart and nothing more than an instinctual need for lunch? Lastly, where would I place myself in this story?'
It's serious. Think about it. That's what the Non-Humans do. Make you guys think about stuff.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Miracle Girl Saves School From Immense Meteorite!

The Big Emo Diary Room

There is a story behind this one. I'm not sure whether you visited Lame Champion Comics this week. But if you did, you might have noticed I was having a few maintenance problems. Pictures were not uploading. And then when they were, they weren't getting larger when people clicked on them, so I was having e-mails saying 'Hey man, I can't see the comic this week'. And then they weren't aligning right in the blog. It was a mess. Honestly, has Bugs coming out of its ears.
Anyway, all this - coupled with the mess that is Big Brother - inspired me to do this little skit with's latest 'Bug', Emo Kid. I hope you like it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
'Lame Champion' Hijacks Hollywood

One Wheeled Over the Cuckoo's Nest All Emo Kid wanted to know was what was inside those cuckoo's eggs. Damn that Nurse Ratched!
Pirates of the Carehome Whilst arguments about the political correctness of certain disabled terms fly about like seagulls around a ship's mast, we at Lame Champion decided to throw one in for good measure. See if you can find it. Savvy!
Snakes on a Chair Emo Kid has just had it with those mother***** snakes on his mother***** chair. He has asked to be moved to First Class; apparently there's no room, but he knows it's just that the air hostesses are making out with that murder witness they're stowing up there.
Friday, January 05, 2007
The Kind (guest comic)

Thursday, December 28, 2006
In 2006, Emo Kid...

Friday, December 15, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
My Medical Romance

Miracle Girl: The Becoming

Friday, December 01, 2006
Bike Shop (click to enlarge)

He put his finger to his chin, gave me a confused look and said, ‘Well normally, yeah… uh, I dunno. We never really see those in here.’
‘What, wheelchairs?’ I said.
‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘You might have to see a specialist.’
‘A wheel specialist?’ I asked. ‘Someone who sees wheels on a daily basis as opposed to just waiting till the inspiration strikes?’
‘No, a medical…’
‘I don’t want a colonic irrigation, just a pumped tire.'
‘OK look,’ he said. ‘Hang on a sec, I’ll have a word with my colleague.’
The guy disappeared into the back room. After a second, he poked his head out of the door and said...
Cast of Characters
Emo Kid
His doctors are rich and he hates them. Emo Kid is invariably seen wearing black. His jet-black fringe leans at precisely the same angle as his trunk muscles.
His doctors are rich and he hates them. Emo Kid is invariably seen wearing black. His jet-black fringe leans at precisely the same angle as his trunk muscles.
Stuck in a never ending Job-seeking rut, Job is hoping his luck will one day change. However every single time he thinks he's about to hit the Bigtime, he receives a knock-back of biblical proportions!
Hercule Le One-Man-Band
Hercule always wanted to be the best folk singer in his Provence village. Given his plight, he just couldn’t find the musicians to form a band. But did he let that stop him? Non!
Lewis News
Lewis News knows no bounds! A talk show host by day and a traveller by night, Lewis News, carried by his fantastic time machine, leaves no stone unturned to find the ultimate story about the life experiences of disabled people.
Miracle Girl
She can do anything. What's that you say, anything? YES, ANYTHING. Since astounding her doctors (and transcending mortality), Miracle Girl has been astounding the rest of the world with her magical feats of extraordinary super power! Way to go Miracle Girl!
The Non-Humans
The animals with whom we share our world. Just like ours, their world is riddled with dangers, and to get through just one day is a feat of extraordinary skill and cunning. Don't ever tell the non-humans that they're embarrasingly obvious metaphors for disability. They hate critics, and will most likely bite your leg off. The company of Non-Humans includes the infamous underground political activism group P.O.O.P. (Pigeons Opposed to Oppression and Prejudice)
The Lurcher and the Three Legged Cat
The Lurcher's owners hope that his lanky, slight frame can hold its own against the elements of this world. Will The Lurcher ever defeat the Three Legged Cat, that arch nemesis who will stop at nothing to avenge the loss of his last leg?
The Lurcher and the Three Legged Cat can occasionally be found on street corners re-enacting scenes from Spaghetti Westerns, War Films and buddy flicks (the ones which turn nasty and end up in simultaneous death).
Friday, November 24, 2006
Cream? (click to enlarge)

Friday, November 17, 2006
University College Hospital (click to enlarge)

Nobody (click to enlarge)

Introducing Emo Kid (click to enlarge)